TAC Teams Overview
Train, Assist and Counsel (TAC) Team
A TAC Team is composed of a High School TAC NCO, Middle School TAC NCO and Support Specialist. Together the team provides mentorship, accountability and support to the company, cadets and parents. The TAC Team is committed to the success of our cadets through leadership, academics, athletics and citizenship. The TAC Teams are directly responsible for the day-to-day command and discipline of the Corps of Cadets.
The TAC Team is also responsible for teaching and grading cadets in the course Leaders of Character. Each company has three platoons in Middle School for grades 6-8 and four platoons in High School by grade specific. Our regiment is divided into two battalions (49th and 50th) of four companies.
The TAC Team should be your primary point of contact when you have questions, comments or concerns. We encourage parents or guardians to be involved and well-informed with their cadets road to success.
49th Battalion:
Alpha- 12th Grade
Bravo- 11th Grade
50th Battalion:
Charlie- 10th Grade
Delta- 9th Grade