Parents » Registration


Fall Enrollment For Returning Students & Camp Graduates

The 2023-2024 school year is coming quick. It is time to re-register and prepare for orientation. We have included important information regarding the school meals, registration, and orientation dates.


To re-enroll your student for the 2023-2024 school year login to your Aeries Parent Portal and complete the Data Confirmation Process. This process must be completed by July 28th.


Step 1: Create a new parent account.

Step 2: Complete Data Confirmation within the Parent Portal.


Please note for Data Confirmation
  1. This is for existing students only. If you graduated camp then you are an existing student.
  2. You will need to use a computer running Windows 7,8, or 10 or MacOS 10.8 or higher.
  3. Smartphones are not supported.
Not Returning to OMI?

If you are NOT planning on returning to OMI go to to complete the Student Exit Form. After the student exit form is completed our registrar will reach out to you for an exit interview and to complete the official OMI withdrawal form. You do not have to complete Data Confirmation in Aeries if you are not returning to OMI.
How To Complete Data Confirmation
Login to Aeries
  1. Look for the message in yellow font.
  2. Select Click HERE to confirm the information about your student
1. Family Information
  1. Select Family Information.
  2. Complete the Survey.
  3. Select Confirm and Continue.
2. Income Survey
  1. Select Income Survey.
  2. Select Household Size.
  3. Select Household Income.
  4. Select Confirm and Continue.
3. Student
  1. Select Student.Review this information.
  2. Select CHANGE to correct the errors.
  3. Select "Save" to save the change you made.
  4. The change won't be visible immediately.
4. Contacts
  1. Select Contacts.
  2. Review the contacts listed. 
  3. Click Add to add a new contact. 
  4. Add the Contact Information. Press Save.
  5. Add all contacts, then Select Confirm and Continue.
5. Medical
  1. Select Medical History.
  2. Select all additional medical conditions that apply to the student.
  3. Select Save.
  4. Select Confirm and Continue.
6. Authorizations
  1. Select Authorizations.
  2. Read the PDF Attachments.
  3. Choose the authorization status that best fits.
  4. Select Save.
  5. Select Confirm and Continue.
7. Final Data Confirmation
  1. Select Final Data Confirmation.
  2. Confirm all the data in the previous tabs is correct.
  3. Read the information within the confirmation box for further instructions.
  4. Select Finish and Submit.
** Multiple Student Families:
  1. Select Change Student.
  2. Choose the next student to register.
  3. Complete steps 2-8 for each additional student.


Written instructions are listed below. Video tutorials can be found at:

How to Create A New Parent Portal Account

How to Reset Parent Portal Password

Browse to:

  1. Select Create New Account
  2. Select the Account Type Parent.
  3. Enter the email address and password you would like to use for your account.
  4. You will need to verify your email in the next step. You will need your email password.
  5. Check your email - Open the email sent from [email protected]
  6. Click Confirm Current Email Address.
  7. Thank You. Your account has been verified. You may now continue…
  8. Select Return to login and login.
  9. Enter ID, TL, & VPC.

Student ID#: Merge

Verification Passcode: Merge

  1. Choose the contact that represents you
  2. You may now continue to the Data Confirmation Process. 

Browse to:

  1. Select Forgot Password
  2. Enter your email address
  3. Select Next
  4. Exit this screen
  5. Check your email
  6. Open the email sent from [email protected] and open it
  7. Select Click Here on the email
  8. Select Next
  9. Enter your New Password and then Retype New Password
  10. Select Next 
  11. To login select return to login.
  12. Login and continue to the Data Confirmation Process.
Please fill out the form on the following link:



Whooping Cough (pertussis) has been widespread in California during 2010. The California Department of Public Health requires that all Californians 7 years and older receive a booster shot against pertussis (also known as “Tdap”). Please bring in your updated immunization records to the office as soon as possible.  If you have already submitted records in the past you do not have to resubmit them unless you have not taken the booster. For the 2023-24 school year, all students in 7th grade and above must have proof of a Tdap booster shot before July 28th 2023.
Aeries Mobile Portal Available for iOS & Android
Mobile Portal
  1. Download the Aeries Mobile Portal App from the Google Play Store (Android) or App Store (iOS)
  2. Open it and select: Get Started
  3. Search for and choose school: Oakland Military Institute
  4. Select Sign in with Google
  5. Enter your OMI email into the email text box
  6. Select "Next"
  7. Enter your OMI email "password"
  8. Select "Allow" access
  9. You are now logged in the Aeries Mobile Portal App!