Dual & Concurrent Enrollment

What is Dual Enrollment?


Dual Enrollment (DE) is a program in which OMI 9th through 12th- grade students can take Peralta Community College course(s) that are offered on OMI's campus and are taught by Peralta professors. DE students earn elective credit towards high school graduation, while at the same time earning college credits. 


What is Concurrent Enrollment?


Concurrent Enrollment (CE) is a program in which OMI 8th through 12th-grade students can take Peralta Community College course(s) offered on the community college campus and instructed by Peralta Community College instructors. These classes are not conducted on OMI's campus and cadets are responsible for securing the required resources for the CE classes. This program is great for OMI cadets interested in taking college-level academic or elective courses. Please be sure to speak with Mr. Murray or Mr. Lee to explore pathways prior to registering. 


Essential Information: 


  • DE Courses offered at OMI are transferable to UC and CSU (for other institutions students will have to check with their prospective school)
  • The dual enrollment program is FREE to all high school cadets
  • Cadets can enroll in up to 11 units for FREE
  • Cadets earn dual high school and college credits 
  • Students must obtain approval from a Counselor before enrollment occurs
  • DE courses cannot replace high school courses offered by OMI 
  • The courses will count as elective credits and will be entered on the cadet's transcript after the transcript arrives at the Registrar from the Community College
  • 10 high school elective credits are earned for the successful completion of each dual enrollment course, as compared to other high school classes which earn 5 high school credits per semester


*Note: Students interested in OMI’s Dual/Concurrent enrollment should meet with the College & Career Counselor, Tim Murray, [email protected]


Enrollment Process

  1. To become a Peralta student, you must apply to the California Community College System first.  You can begin by creating an OpenCCC Account.
  2. Make sure to indicate in the application that you’re currently in high school
  3. After submission, you will immediately receive an 8-digit confirmation number that starts with the number 2. (Save the confirmation number).
  4. You will be emailed your 8-digit Peralta Student ID number, password, and student email within 24-48 hours after application submission.
  5.  Meet with your DE teacher or Counselor to discuss your class options and pick up a High School Special Enrollment Form
COMM 20: Interpersonal Communications (3 Units)
  • Analysis of communication needs and improvement of skills:
    • Listening, perception, nonverbal communication, semantics, and conflict management.
COMM 6: Intercultural Communications (3 Units)
  • Dynamics of intercultural communication as it applies to the diversity of American cultures:
    • Cultural concepts, language style, content, ethnic perspectives, perceptions and stereotypes, symbols, and roles as they facilitate or hinder effective verbal and nonverbal interaction across cultures; analysis of multiple intercultural communication theories.
MUSIC 15A: Jazz, Blues, and Popular Music in the American Culture (3 Units)
  • Historical and critical analysis of unique American music:
    • Focus on environments from which its many forms have emerged and its role in social history; development of blues, folk, jazz, rock and other popular music forms in the twentieth century.
MUSIC 15B: Jazz, Blues, and Popular Music in the American Culture (3 Units) 
  • Study of contemporary music scene with in-depth investigation of trends in artistic expression:
    • Music as a revolutionary force, the role of the music industry, analysis of performances and interviews.

SPANISH 1A: Elementary Spanish (5 Units)
  • Study and practice in understanding, speaking, reading, and writing Spanish.  Emphasis on understanding basic grammatical concepts and vocabulary building; reading Spanish and Spanish-American life and culture.

SPANISH 1B: Elementary Spanish (5 Units)
  • Study and practice in understanding, speaking, reading, and writing Spanish.  Emphasis on understanding basic grammatical concepts and vocabulary building; reading Spanish and Spanish-American life and culture.
BUSINESS 10: Intro to Business (3 Units)
  • Introduction to business: survey of various phases of business, organization, finance, personnel, production, marketing, managerial controls, and government-business relations.


COMPUTER SCIENCE 5:  Introduction to Computer Science (3 Units)

  • Introduction to computer science: Architecture of digital computers, design of algorithms for solving various problems, and basic skills in computer programming

PSYCHOLOGY 1A: Intro to General Psychology (3 Units)
  • Scientific principles of psychology: Application of scientific research in understanding learning, human development, biological processes, personality, behavior disorders, social psychology, and adjustment of the human organism

ANTHROPOLOGY 1:  Introduction to Physical Anthropology (5 Units)

  • Study of human beings and their ancestors: Emphasis on relationships to other mammals, physical record of evolution, and processes responsible for evolution

GEOGRAPHY 1:  Physical Geography (5 Units)

  • Basic elements of the earth's physical systems and processes: Earth-sun relations, weather, climate, water, plate tectonics, landforms, soils, and ecosystems and their interrelationships and global distribution patterns


Courses Offered in the Past


MM/MW 1A: Introduction to Web Design (3 Units)

  • Introduction to web design: HTML5, CSS3, CSS Grid Architectures, and Responsive Design for designing a portfolio and expressing an online voice.


JOURNALISM 62:  Introduction to Physical Anthropology (3 Units)

  • Survey of traditional and non-traditional mass media in America: Impact of mass media trends and technology into the 21st century; critical analysis of media messages and examination of mass media from historical, political, social, and cultural perspectives


BUSINESS 76:  Entrepreneurship (3 Units)

  • Introduction to principles of international e-commerce and entrepreneurship. Emphasis on developing a business plan for conducting online commerce; market analysis; product access; payment methods; promotion; and back-end technology requirements for creating an e-commerce site.


BUSINESS 83: Intro to Digital Marketing (3 Units)
  • Basics of digital marketing: Marketing concepts in the context of a business; segmentation, targeting, value propositions, advertising, social media, metrics; and development of a digital marketing plan.


Useful Links:
Access Accounts:


Important Signatures:

1. Parent/Guardian
2. Counselor


Point of Contact: 

[email protected]


Mr. Tim Murray
College/Career Wellness Center 
(510) 594-3984
Mr. Chris Lee
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