OMI Receives Extra Funding $$$

Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan

Senate Bill 98, approved by Governor Newsom on 6.29.20, made several key changes to accountability requirements for 2020-21.  These include the establishment of a new requirement – The Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan – that must be adopted by 9.30.20.  

Senate Bill 98

CDE Overview of SB 98

The California Department of Education (CDE) has released the draft template for the Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan as well as a comparison of this plan to the LCAP.  CDE expects to release the final template during the week of July 27th.

Additional information regarding Oakland Military Institutes (OMI) Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan process, including stakeholder engagement, will be updated as it becomes available.

Following is a summary of the key components to be included in the Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan:

  • How COVID-19 impacts students and staff in areas of health and safety, measuring student participation and academic progress through synchronous instruction, measuring the time value of student work, and the metrics to be used to measure learning loss.

  • How OMI will address learning loss from COVID-19 in the 2019-20 and 2020-21 school years.

  • How the district will conduct outreach to students and parents/guardians when students are not engaging or are absent.

  • Types of additional supports to address the learning loss of, and accelerate learning progress for, English Learners, Foster Youth, Homeless Students, and Low Income students.

  • Types of professional development support and resources for educators.

  • How OMI will provide student meals for in-person instruction and distance learning for the school year.

  • How OMI will align state and federal funding, including supplemental and concentration grants to align with student needs.

  • How state and federal funds included in the adopted/revised budget will be used to support the Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan, including how Supplemental and Concentration grants, along with federal funds used to backfill losses from reductions to the LCFF on a dollar-to-dollar basis, will be used to meet LCFF disproportionality requirements.

The Oakland Military Institute (OMI) College Preparatory Academy is asking for stakeholder input from ALL of our community to include:

  • Community Members
  • Staff
  • Parents
  • English Language Learners
  • Parent Cadet Alliance 
  • School Site Council

** We need a diverse representation to assist in allocating these funds **

If you are interested in serving in one of these committees please email the Administrative Assistant Ms. Kristie Briseño [email protected] by Monday, August 24, 2020.

For additional information please see below:

Learning Loss Mitigation Funding

GEER, Coronavirus Relief (CR), and General Funds (GF) (making up the Learning Loss Mitigation Funding)

 OMI will have to report the approximate percentage of funds expended for an allocation totaling  $715,375.

Learning Loss Mitigation Funding OMI will have to report on the approximate percentage of funds expended for the following uses in September (and spend by December 30):

  • Addressing learning loss or accelerating progress to close learning gaps through the implementation, expansion, or enhancement of learning supports. 

  • Extending the instructional minutes, time, or school year to increase the amount of instructional time or services provided to pupils based on their learning needs. 

  • Providing additional academic services for pupils.

  • Providing health, counseling, or mental health services. 


  • Professional development opportunities to help teachers and parents support pupils in distance-learning contexts. 

  • Access to Nutrition. 

  • Pupil trauma and social-emotional learning.

ESSER Funds LEA’s will have to report on the approximate percentage of funds expended for the following uses: $206,832

  • Coordination of preparedness and response efforts of LEAs. 

  • Resources necessary to address the needs of individual schools.

  • Activities to address the unique needs of low-income children or students, children with disabilities, English learners, racial and ethnic minorities, students experiencing homelessness, and foster care youth.  

  • Planning for and coordinating on long-term closures. Sanitation and minimizing the spread of infectious disease.

  • Purchasing educational technology. 

  • Mental health services and supports. 

  • Summer learning and supplemental after-school programs. 

  • Other activities that are necessary to maintain the operation and continuity of services in LEAs and to continuing the employment of their existing staff. 

Please remember these are one time expenditures to mitigate the impact of COVID-19.