Bulletin Board » Update 08/06/202 COVID-19 Technology & Virtual Instruction

Update 08/06/202 COVID-19 Technology & Virtual Instruction

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Since the launch of the #OaklandUndivided campaign, our team has been busy building infrastructure to help ensure all Oakland public school students will have the necessary access to online learning.

Last week, the 
Tech Check survey went live, helping to identify individual student needs so that we can efficiently distribute Chromebooks and WiFi hotspot devices to those who need them. Please help spread the word by sharing the link with your communities.

ALL families with K-12 students attending Oakland Public Schools are encouraged to fill out the survey. Families unable to complete the survey are encouraged to contact their school or Tech Exchange's support line for assistance. Additionally, please share this link with families in need of support connecting to WiFi hotspots. Resources are available in multiple languages.
We are pleased to share that we are on track to receive ordered devices to begin distributing them to qualifying families later this month. Computers provided through #OaklandUndivided will be for families to keep and will replace school-loaned laptops.
For more information about the #OaklandUndivided initiative, visit www.oaklandedfund.org/digitaldivide
Contact techsupport@omiacademy.org