Bulletin Board » Update 08/25/2020 COVID-19 Wellness Office Updates

Update 08/25/2020 COVID-19 Wellness Office Updates

Effective 08/25/2020

Effective 06/03/2020

Effective 05/19/2020

Wellness during Final week of Spring 2020.

Effective 05/04/2020

It's May and time to finish up the year strong. You can do this.

Effective 04/07/2020

Week 3 with Dr. Smith; vaping, using platforms to connect with friends and spring break assignments.

Effective 04/01/2020

Week 2 with Dr. Smith; connecting with peers, giving teachers feedback on how to help you, social distance walking, and 54321 grounding!

Effective 03/23/2020

Effective 03/20/2020

Although OMI College Prep Academy has shut it doors to keep our school community safe and halt the spread of Covid-19 aka Coronavirus, we are still here and available for you.  If you are feeling worried or concerned, or have questions and want to talk, please feel free to email me and leave a phone number so that I can return your call or text.  You can also text/call my cell phone number (510) 866-3522.  Cadets, if you do not want to identify yourself, you can simply text me questions and I will do my best to answer or look into answers for you.  

At OMI, we are a community that cares for one another and are here for you!  We will get through this stronger, together.

Effective 03/19/2020

Probably for many of you it has felt like a vacation away from school, no big deal, we are used to having these breaks. One thing that is a little different, however, is your teachers are reaching out to you to ensure that you continue doing some academic work and other forms of learning while on this break. Cadets, check your teacher's Google Classroom for assignments. Parents, we have also asked members of our staff to reach out to your cadets via phone and email to help answer any questions they may have about their class work, or other concerns during this time off. Many of these staff are people or names you have heard of, but if you are uncomfortable or don't recognize a staff member's name, check our website at www.oakmil.org or ask the staff member for their OMI email address so you can send an email to confirm their relationship to OMI. Our goal in providing contact is to make certain students know how to access their classwork, ensure that everyone is receiving our updates and loops, and helping to address any concerns your child may have about school with the most accurate information possible. Who knows, this type of contact and relationship building with our OMI students and families may be something we continue even next year and beyond! Any questions or concerns, contact me, Principal Webb!
Contact Lori Smith (510) 866-3522 losmith@omiacademy.org