World History (Period 3)

Course Description

Mrs. Siino’s Course Syllabus

7th Grade World History 2018-2019

Phone #: (510) 594 - 3900

Email: [email protected]

Room #: P26

Office Hours:  Thursday, 2:15-3:15 (please check in with me prior)


The medieval and early modern periods provide cadets with opportunities to study the rise and fall of empires, the diffusion of religions and languages, and significant movements of people, ideas, and products. Over this period, the regions of the world became more and more interconnected. Although societies were quite distinct from each other, there were more exchanges of people, products, and ideas in every century.

Cadets will learn to approach history not only as a body of content to be encountered or mastered, but as an investigative discipline. They will analyze evidence from written and visual primary sources, supplemented by secondary sources, to form historical interpretations. Both in writing and speaking, cadets will cite evidence from textual sources to support their arguments. Cadets will learn to consider not only what was happening in one culture, but also how cultures influenced each other and the development of the modern world. They will also gain fluency in world geography through maps.


  • Rome and Christendom: 300 - 1200
      1. Focus Question: How did the decentralized system of feudalism control people but weaken state power?
      2. Big Picture Question: What factors contribute to the development of a successful government?
  • World of Islam: 300 - 1200
      1. Focus Questions: How did Islam develop and change over time? How did Islam spread to multiple cultures?
      2. Big Picture Question: How are different world religions connected?
  • Empires of Asia: 300 - 1200
      1. Focus Question: How did environment, cultural and religious changes, and technological innovations affect the people?
      2. Big Picture Questions: What type of power is best in government? For which social classes?
  • West Africa: 900 - 1400
      1. Focus Question: How did Arab/North African and West African perspectives differ on West African kingdoms?
      2. Big Picture Question: How do our cultural influences shape our worldview? Our opinions of other cultures?
  • Early Americas: 300 - 1490
      1. Focus Question: Why did the Maya civilization, the Aztec Empire and the Inca Empire gain more power over people and territories?
      2. Big Picture Question: How do the concepts of power, beauty and wealth differ from culture to culture, and how have they changed over time?
  • Impact of Ideas: 1500 - 1750
      1. Focus Questions: How did the ideas of the Reformation, Renaissance, Scientific Revolution, and Enlightenment drive revolutionary ideals?
      2. Big Picture Question: What ideas are still present in societies across the world?
  • Global Convergence 1450 - 1750
    1. Focus Question: What impact did human expansion in the voyages of exploration have on the environment, trade networks, and global interconnection?
    2. Big Picture Question: How did the interactions in trade networks shape and define our modern world?


  1. You can’t learn if you aren’t in class. You may be excused from class once per month to use the restroom, and must have your planner in order to be excused. Students should utilize the the restroom before school, during passing periods, break and lunch.


  1. Be prepared – this includes having required materials, doing homework, wearing the correct uniform, and having a serious attitude about the course and its expectations.
  2. Be productive – this includes staying on task, doing assigned work, and accomplishing assignments on time and to a standard of excellence.
  3. Be respectful – to yourself, to others, to school property, and have an enthusiasm about your company.


In order to ensure that instruction time is not disrupted, cell phones are to be turned off and put in assigned Yondr pouch at all times during class periods, passing periods, break, lunch assemblies and ceremonies.  The use of cell phones during instructional time is expressly prohibited and will result in confiscation of students cell phone.  


  1. Each cadet will maintain a notebook during the year.  
  2. Blue or black ink pen, pencil, and highlighter.
  3. Planner.


Grades are based on a point system. Assignments, tests, projects, performances, and participation are given point values. In order to pass the class, the student must complete the assigned work as well as participate in additional activities. Your grade in this class will be a direct reflection of your effort, cooperation, and mastery of content.

1-70% = Assessment/ Mastery of Standards​
2-30% = Homework, classwork, participation​

A = 90%-100%

B = 89%-80%

C = 79%-70%

D = 69%-60%

F = 59%-and below

Suggested donations for parent volunteer hours

  1. Computer paper
  2. Tissue
  3. Pencils
  4. Disinfecting wipes
  5. Single subject notebooks

Signatures due back to Mrs. Siino by Tuesday, August 21st.

I understand and will abide by all classroom procedures and requirements.

Cadet signature x_________________________________________________

I understand and support all classroom procedures and requirements. My student may participate in classroom pictures and videos.

Guardian signature x________________________________________________